Monday, September 14, 2009

I’m alive!!!!

Alhamdulillah,,,I’m still breathing=) Me, Mundzir and Sumayyah managed to go to Asy-Syakirin to be part of the Jemaah that morning,,, striving for Al-Qadr,,,

Around 3.30 am,,Asy-Syakirin was fulled,,,Subhanallah,,,The crowd was amazing!! Alhamdulillah,,,But, suddenly, while Sumayyah and me were reciting Quran in the mosque, we realized that there was an ambulance parked in front of the mosque,,”What’s happening?? “ I asked Sumayyah,,but no answer,,

I continued reading,,,but my mind was not fully on the reading,,I was keep on asking “What’s Happening there??” so , curiously I went out there to see by myself,,,


There was a guy collapsed at the stairs and someone was doing CPR on him,,,

Tears started to drop,,,Allah the Almighty,,,

From my own obseravation,,by the time the guy had been catered into the ambulance, he already passed away,,,Alhamdulillah,, in the Ramadhan and could be the night of Lailatulqadr,,,He could be release from the torture in the kubur,,,InsyaAllah,, how lucky he is,,,,

The guy looked about my father’s age,,around early 50’s,,,he might experienced heart attack before he fall down the stairs,,no one knew the exact story,,,how he could collapsed? I just predict!

The incident really taught me to be grateful,,I don’t have much time,,,our life is too short,,,,Ya Allah,,, thank you very much for letting me see one of Your greatness!!

“Bekerjalah sekuat-kuatnya seolah-olah kita akan hidup beribu-ribu tahun lamanya,,,dan beribadahlah kita seolah-olah kita akan mati keesokkan hari,,”

So, give us the strength to complete this Ramadhan with the best shot eva!!

1 comment:

  1. Pergi dalam bulan Ramadhan,di rumah Allah,berqiamulai hendaknya,alhamdulillah.



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