Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Titik DEMI titik...

Titik DEMI titik………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Alhamdulillah………sedar tak sedar saya sudah pun 22 tahun,9 bulan,11 hari menghirup udara di atmosfera ini. Jantung saya pun masih berfungsi dengan baik. Alhamdullillah….I am still breathing. Thanks to Allah.The ALL MIGHTY..Giving me the chance to continue the DOTS!! Thanks a lot!!

Titik DEMI titik……….yang perlu diteruskan……..Yeah!! Visions, missions,goals,targets in my life which all seem to give the same meanings to me.. is to make these continuous DOTS will be the most colourful, beautiful, and meaningful for me and people around me.

I may consider my first dot is my first cry. I am the Winner. I am very grateful that I am the daughter of En ZAhir and Pn Robiah. This is one of the things that I never forget to thank to ALLAh everytime after my prayers. Alhamdulillah…These dots continuous till today.

Along, angah, Kak yusra, Kauthar, Mundzir, Sumayyah..inilah insan-insan yang paling dekat di hati untuk selamanya a.k.a adik beradik saya. Insya Allah. Boleh nak dikatakan 90% dari titik-titik ini diwaranakan,diteruskan,disusun bersama-sama ayah emak dan insan-insan ini. Tapi sekarang dah semakin banyak pula nama yang perlu ditambah. Along dan angah sudah punya suami. Abang Epul dan Abang Najib. Thanks sebab sudi jadi abang saya! Umar seorang lagi buah hati, permata jantung, Intan Payung, penyeri teratak!! Comel sangat…Tahniah angah…Semoga Umar bakal menjadi Mujahid seperti mana namanya…InsyaAllah…

Rumahku Syurgaku….Saya rasa rumah sayalah tempat paling tenang…sangat menenangkan…bersyukur sangat sebab saya sangat suka balik rumah. Slah satu factornya ialah di situ ada emak dan ayah!! Selagi mana ade ruang dan peluang untuk saya jumpa mereka selagi itulah saya akan ambil! No excuse…Rumah pun sangat membantu saya dalam meneruskan titik demi titik ini……………………

Friends?? Of course!! I am a good friend! No , no, no….Actually I have many many many good friendsssssssss…………………………They always contribute some DOTS that are arranged nicely. Nice?? NOT really…Sometimes they are nice and sometimes they are not. Eventhough there are some DOTS which are not suppose to be in the line, but it was just for the first thought! Sometimes also for the second or third or till the forth! Am I right? Btol, btol, btol! But finally, for a few thoughts after the first thought I will definitely feel good about the ‘DOTS yang TIDAK DIUNDANG!’ Alhamdulillah…Kadangkala kita jadi ‘LAMPI’=Lambat Pick up sikit dengan tititk-titik yang tak diundang ini. Banyak je yang tak puas hati dengan apa yang kita ada. That is HUMAN! But I am Trying to be the tOP 3% of the HUMAN!! This is what ayah always said to us. “Let’s be the TOP 3% of the HUMAN KIND” mana ayah dapat pun tak tahu..He reads a lot! Sebab tu My DOTS are full with excitement …maybe…ahaks!

This is only the starting and of course this blog also part of my DOTS! Alhamdulillah.....

Allah makbulkan doa kita dalam tiga cara.

1)Allah bagi apa yang kita minta.Alhamdulillah..

2)Allah bagi kita benda lain yang lagi baik dari apa yang kita minta. Tapi kita selalu tak nampak. Astaghfirullah.

3) Allah tak bagi kita di dunia tapi Allah bagi kita di syurga nanti. MasyaAllah…hebatkan DIA?? Tapi kita selalu lupa. Terukkan manusia ini?? Saya pun manusia juga....................................


  1. ye! k.tikah! name mayah ada! hahaha..
    nice post!,, keep it up!!
    ape lagi nk cmnt huh?
    post la byk2.. nnt mayah bace!peace!;p

  2. DOTS?? nt dots yg terakhir perginya kamu..



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