Saturday, January 9, 2010

The beginning of 2010...

Macam-macam jadi...

Started with...ALLAH...
Lots and lots of comments...but still in puzzle...

3 churches were being attacked...
haisy...wrong action taken....

Who did that??
Who was the master mind behind all these scenes???

There are many possibilities...

maybe someone did purpose to trap Muslims...
maybe the emotional and irrational Muslims yang tak best neh....
maybe they wanted they did it?? hmm...ntahla...
but it was obviously 'mengancam keselamatan dalam negeri'...
luckyly....pandai plaks pengebom-pengebom pilih masa...good timing as no one was hurt...

"We might use ISA for those attackers" said Hishammudddin...haisy.......this is the consequence when someone said 'mengancam keselamatan dalam negeri'....why they must be jail without trial?? Isn't it was so obvious that they are guilty?? used the 'molotov cocktail'...till the government need to spend RM 500 000 of OUR money to rebuilt and repair those churches...Tindakan yang merugikan diri sendiri...

Akibat emosi melampaui akal...

If suddenly, the police find out that the bombers were will be the reaction???
lagi satu hal......haisy...

an$other hot story...
4 were murdered cruelly...sedih je...atuk kena potong tangan kanan, nenek kena potong tangan kiri, ayah kena pancung, kakak kena tikam...can not imagine how exactly the scene was...

bertambahnya orang gila...

Ingat lagi dulu..nak pegi jalan seorang pun rasa selamat...tapi sekarang.. nak jogging kat taman tepi rumah pun takut...sebabnya dah makin ramai orang gila...

Dulu..kalau orang tahan nak tumpang tepi jalan...senang hati je nak tumpangkan...tapi sekarang..takut je.. takut salah tumpangkan orang...orang gila...

Tawakal je yang mampu...yakin pada pertolongan dan rahmat Allah...

Buat baik berpada-pada..buat jahat jangan sesekali...

What will happen next??? ntahla...........

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