Tuesday, November 10, 2009

sunnyyyyy DAY=)

Yaey!!It’s the time=). 5 pm sharp! I will directly pack my things and shoot off for HoME SweeeT Home! Alhamdulillah,,,I mananged to get Hospital Ampang for my clinical attachment =)

One beautiful evening, the sun was shining brightly. “alamaks,,,,I can’t see anything,,,the Sun is tooooooooo bright!!! I can’t even open my eyes!!!”I became panic. What should I do? There were lots of cars on the road. As usual,,,

I tried to cover my eyes with the ‘penghadang cahaya’ on top of me. Unfortunately, It didn’t work!!! Aduyai,,,Perodua should think of something,,They should modify the “penghadang cahaya’ so that it will help those drivers who are cute like me!!! Make it bigger please,,,

My left hand started to move to find the sunglasses which I thought to be somewhere in this car. Aduyai,,disappointed,,Haa,,,I’ve found something!!! Alhamdulillah,,,A goggle!!! Without further ado I wore it,,,,then, I could open my eyes,,,,blink,,,blink,,,

“Why is everyone was looking at me??” I wonder,,,

Loooooo,,,,,,,you are wearing goggle while driving maaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no wonder,,,,

Malu je,,,,but that was the last resolved. If not, I could involve in an accident. Alhamdulillah,,,I arrived safely,,,Home Sweeeet Home,,,,

After this incident, I’ve changed my perception towards those who love to wear sunglasses while driving,,”Poyo je makcik tuh” now, I am really appreciate if there always be a pair of sunglasses in the car which I’ll drive=) especially, those who like me,,who has high tendency to be dazzled with bright light!!

I am smiling while typing this valuable lesson,,,,

p/s: don’t ever try to wear goggles while driving!!!!


  1. kak tikah,
    kelakar gile drive pakai goggles.lepas ni prepare sunglasses siap2 ye =)



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